Accountability begins and builds with you.
Ultimately, you are responsible for your decisions.
I believe that physical fitness and mindset are inextricably linked; therefore, self-sabotage can become your most significant adversary.
As you continue to explore and experiment with different health and wellness options, recognizing who you are and choosing to represent your authenticity will become the fuel to your success. The first step towards revolutionizing your body, mind and spirit begins with a firm foundation in what you feel, think and believe at the present.
Notice that I wrote that accountability begins and builds with you;
accountability does not end.
Because your goals and focus will constantly be changing, you must recognize that how you hold yourself accountable can change too. Time is finite but you are not. You are someone of great worth who is constantly evolving.
Remember, we are here to be living life and loving it, not to just exist!
Where to begin?
To get into your head you actually need to get out of your own mind. Doesn't make sense at first but another way to put it is: you need to get over yourself to get under the surface. I recently heard an idea that I think puts this into perspective. As human beings, we often like to make drastic changes in fitness and nutrition to achieve quick, (and what we are hoping will be), sustainable results. This equation more often than not yields unfavorable results. If you push too much, too soon and in a way that is inappropriate for you, your will power will plummet and you'll find yourself stuck in the same tired old drama of being comfortably uncomfortable.
Before moving further, take time to let this information marinate in your head. Start with a true evaluation of YOU. Ponder where you think you're at and what the next step might be.
Then, wait.
Sit in your head for a little while. Only then will you be ready to begin.
Coming up: Decisions Determine Destiny

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